Recent Installation at Medical Device Facility Northern Ireland: Comech Engineering spiral door installation in existing…
Lisnahally Docks Grain Store high Speed Door Installation
Comech Engineering ltd specified supplied and Installed Ardent High speed door for Grain store in the North west docks location.
The opening was 5m x 6m and exposed to wind loading so a robust high speed door with wind bars on both inside and outside of the door blade to resist the pressures on the door.
Microware sensors were installed as activation for the door, normally triggered by the articulated trucks entering the store, or the shovel for loading them.
The door is fitted with safety devices so as to minimise the risk of contact with vehicles.
Comech Engineering specialize in bespoke High speed doors and Inverter driven High speed roller door Installations across Northern Ireland.
With safety in mind and each job being risked assessed on a case by case basis, no details are left to chance, and various options on safety and activation of the Speed doors installed and commissioned by Comech, being given to the end user.
Comech have many Speed roller installations across the province and have many reference sites for various types of High speed door, Insulated high speed door, clean room Speed doors, Sectional High speed doors and insulated roller shutters with high speed drives.